Life Stage and Transition Support

With appropriate and consistent assistance and advice, Wishing Well Services assist participants in leading healthier and more satisfying lives. We recognize that it can be quite difficult to begin life-stage transitions while consistently attending to your specific handicap needs. But you could be able to start the journey smoothly if you receive professional care and assistance. Therefore, we will give you the same.
We provide life-stage transition support in Melbourne that is specifically customized to meet your needs and preferences. We want to help you become independent as soon as possible by using our special method. To make sure that your everyday life at home and in the community is worthwhile and that you can effectively manage your own care, we’ll offer you both short- and long-term support.
Our Services
- Accommodation and Tenancy Services
- Assit prod pers care/ Safety Services
- Life Stage and Transition Support
- Personal Activities Support
- Transport and Travel Assistance
- Home Modification Services
- Community Nursing Care
- Daily Tasks and Shared Living
- Innovative Community Participation
- Development of Life Skills
- Household Tasks
- Participate Community
- Plan Management
- Therapeutic Support
- Specialized Disability Accommodation
- Group Centre Activities
Enquiry Number
+ 61 451 343 342
Email ID
Our Offices
unit 2 130 Gateway Bvd Epping Vic 3076