Innovative Community Participation

At Wishing Well Services, we consider community
involvement to be a means of self-improvement and
exploration rather than merely an activity.
With the help of our innovative community participation
services, you will be able to effectively participate with
your community and improve the lives of those around
- Investigating neighborhood stores, office buildings, and leisure areas
- Participating in social and cultural events
- Engaging in collective endeavors
- interacting with members of the community
- Taking trips with your group
- taking part in theatrical performances, acting classes, singing recitals, etc.
- Engaging in interactive exercises
- applying for the same job while looking for one
- acquiring the abilities needed to succeed in job interviews
- Participating in a range of community events can help you forge deep bonds with your neighbors, friends, and the larger community.
Our Services
- Accommodation and Tenancy Services
- Assit prod pers care/ Safety Services
- Life Stage and Transition Support
- Personal Activities Support
- Transport and Travel Assistance
- Home Modification Services
- Community Nursing Care
- Daily Tasks and Shared Living
- Innovative Community Participation
- Development of Life Skills
- Household Tasks
- Participate Community
- Plan Management
- Therapeutic Support
- Specialized Disability Accommodation
- Group Centre Activities
Enquiry Number
+ 61 451 343 342
Email ID
Our Offices
unit 2 130 Gateway Bvd Epping Vic 3076